Definition of cookies

Cookies are text files that may be stored on your terminal when you visit a website using your browser. A cookie file enables its transmitter to identify the terminal in which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie’s validity or storage.

Third-party cookies

The transmission and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the cookie policies of these third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies we are aware of and of the means available to you to make choices with regard to these cookies.

Ways of deleting and objecting to the use of cookies

The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to the will of the terminal user, which can be expressed and modified at any time and free of charge.

If you have accepted the storage of cookies on your terminal, the cookies integrated into the pages and content you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on your terminal.

Using the banner below, you can personalize your browsing experience and your personal data.

Most browsers accept cookies by default. However, you can choose to block cookies or have your browser warn you when a site tries to set a cookie on your terminal.
To change your browser’s cookie management settings, go to the Privacy tab.

To manage cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences:

More information on cookies

Checkout CNIL’s website: (french content)